had a strange dream last night. i was at enchanted kingdom with X. the place looked more like a train station than an amusement park, though. we were about to board the roller coaster, which in my dream, looked more like a slide, when i knew that X would die. i knew that he would fall off and die. and as soon as i sat on the slide, i was sure that i was going to jump off and die with him. so the ride started and soon enough, X fell off and died. i held on the train, went home, and locked myself up in my apartment. i curled up on my couch and hugged my knees as the world wondered if i knew that X was dead. i just sat there and listened, wondering why i was alive and he wasn’t, wondering why I held on to the train and didn’t go with him to die, wondering why i chose to live, knowing he will not be around, wondering why i wasn’t crying, why i wasn’t even sad… just wondering…
and that wasn’t even a nightmare.
at least that dream sort of made me forget the dream i had the night before. in that dream, billy corgan and james iha were sucking each other’s tongue off… ugh. still trying to shake that picture off of my tired head.
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