Friday, May 18, 2007

f u s e

Love and hate.
Hate and love.

They say there’s a thin line between love and hate. But what if the two have merged in some way, in a way where you can’t separate them anymore and that thin line has disappeared? How will you know which is which?

These two are a lethal mix. Dangerous. Risky. fatal. It can lead to over 16 stab wounds… sometimes, even more.

I know what I’m doing. I know where all these will lead. I know how this will end. I know this like the back of my hand. Memorized all the lines. Familiar will every crease, curve and bump. I know how painful this will be. But I’m still here. Yet again.

So what?

If you knew what’s going to happen, will this somehow, cushion the blow? Or will the anticipation just make it more painful? If you know what kind of pain you’re facing, will the expectation make it seem more painful than the actual pain? Or will the preparation help make it a little less painful?

There’s a science to this. And it’s proven, time and again, never to work.

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