Sunday, November 30, 2008

an apple a day...

I have been really really sick since I got back home from my trip. I thought it was the flu, but after visiting the doctor yesterday, it turns out to be bronchitis. Crap. I guess that explains why I've been in so much pain the past week. The doctor won't let me go back to work yet. This couldn't have come at a worse time.

Speaking of work... I am looking at another job. I think I'll know on Wednesday. I really hope this turns well.

I haven't posted the continuation of my trip to Ilocos yet, but I will. As soon as I remember where I saved the drafts. haha. I will also post the pictures I took during the trip. I am still not sure which photo hosting site to post them on. I'll post the link here once I get everything together.

For now, I shall lie down and watch cartoons all day.


Anonymous said...

darling you should take good care of that body, i envy you, you went to vigan alone! i would love to do that! i love the pics you posted! i love ancient places.....i love everything about you! haha just kidding not a lesbo! muawww

Anonymous said...

LOL. :)

Vigan is an amazing place. You should go there... and travelling alone is a blast! next year, i think i'll go on a cruise. :)