“therefore this iniquity shall be to you like a breach in a high wall,
bulging out, and about to collapse, whose breaking comes suddenly in an instant;
and its breaking is like that of a potters vessel that is smashed so ruthlessly
that among its fragments not a shard is found with which to take fire from the hearth,
or to dig up water out of the cistern. “
Isaiah 30:13-14
did you see the moon last night? it was so thin and bright. the edges were so clear and sharp, it could have cut right through me like a knife. according to my ever reliable zire, it’s the first new moon of the year…
I did it. submitted my request to be transferred to a land so far away from here. finally. I hope I get transferred. and I hope it happens soon. it’s almost time to look for a new job and a new home anyway. might as well move to place that’s not here. this has gone on long enough.
I am ready.
bulging out, and about to collapse, whose breaking comes suddenly in an instant;
and its breaking is like that of a potters vessel that is smashed so ruthlessly
that among its fragments not a shard is found with which to take fire from the hearth,
or to dig up water out of the cistern. “
Isaiah 30:13-14
did you see the moon last night? it was so thin and bright. the edges were so clear and sharp, it could have cut right through me like a knife. according to my ever reliable zire, it’s the first new moon of the year…
I did it. submitted my request to be transferred to a land so far away from here. finally. I hope I get transferred. and I hope it happens soon. it’s almost time to look for a new job and a new home anyway. might as well move to place that’s not here. this has gone on long enough.
I am ready.
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