Monday, February 04, 2008

projectile vomiting, space suits and my bare ass.

just how much humiliation are you supposed to take… like maybe in a day? i think i’ve become brazen over years of clumsy mishaps and blunders. but last friday was the day when the heavens decided to test just how shameless i’ve become. and i can say, i was surprised that i was able to pass with, should i say, flying colors?

it started in the morning at the gym. i finally got that sauna suit my trainer kept telling me to wear during workouts. i had two choices, the purple and black set or the silver set which looked like a space suit. The purple and black was cheaper and i love purple, so i got that one. it was way too big for me and i looked ridiculous, but i didn’t care. i just wanted to lose weight and look good in a bikini. i should have cared. coz after just a few laps, my trainer stopped me. he asked where my stuff was and told me that it was enough, because my ass was showing. i didn’t believe him… and the grim realization dawned only after he repeatedly said, “your ass is showing, your ass is showing, your ass is showing”. of course, i quickly pulled my jacket down to cover my bare ass. this gesture was soon followed by laughter from the nearby benches occupied by visiting boxers who were gathered for an important boxing clinic from a world champ. i quickly went to the locker to change and when i went back outside… the laughter was gone and so was my embarrassment.

i kept thinking, is it bad that i no longer feel ashamed for parading my bare ass in front of all those people? i guess their nonchalance after it happened helped me just toss it out the window with poise, i might add. they were, after all, gentlemen about it.

if i was able to dismiss that whole ass baring with poise, i’m afraid i wasn’t able to with the next incident. i failed to mention that i was at the gym for almost 5 hours. and i was so hungry afterwards… and had sinigang… of course. what the hell did i expect? just a few hours later, i was back at the mall for some shopping. i was at the make up booth when i started to feel dizzy. i tried to run to the nearest bathroom, but i didn’t make it. i ended up throwing up four times inside the mall… and once at the doctor’s office.

this was no ordinary throwing up. i was puking all over the place. even places i can’t imagine my vomit can reach. (my utmost apologies to the maintenance staff of sm.)

i didn’t really have much time to feel the humiliation of that incident as the pain in my stomach was just too much. i just felt awful. the doctor’s visit was a blur. mostly i remember projectile vomiting, stomach pains, endoscopy and biopsy and the hospital.

at the end of the day, i was just drained. exhausted. weak and still in pain.

i dreamt of my mom that night. i dreamt that i was saving her, carrying her to safety. but then i lost her. then i woke up writhing in pain.

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